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The medical articles on this site are for informational purposes only, and are not meant to be used to diagnose or treat your pet, or to replace the recommendations of a qualified veterinarian that has examined your pet.

Sterile cystitis, also known as “interstitial cystitis” or sometimes as “feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD),” is a painful inflammatory disorder primarily seen in cats. It often causes straining to urinate, crying during attempts to urinate, blood-tinged urine, frequent trips in and out of the box, and urinating just outside the box, or on the floor or furniture.  In contrast, urine dribbling or leaking due to incontinence is a condition that primarily affects dogs. Incontinence can be very uncomfortable for a dog, very frustrating for his family, and potentially lead to other medical problems.

Sterile cystitis and incontinence are common examples of diseases that are often successfully treated with acupuncture and/or herbal medicine. Resolving recurring or chronic urinary problems can significantly improve quality of life in our pets.  Please click here for more information on these and other disorders treated with Integrative Therapy for Urinary Conditions.

Urinary Conditions

Dr. Betsy W. Krueger

Whole Pet Healing