The medical articles on this site are for informational purposes only, and are not meant to be used to diagnose or treat your pet, or to replace the recommendations of a qualified veterinarian that has examined your pet.
Integrative Therapy (IT) combines the most appropriate treatments from conventional veterinary medicine and surgery with acupuncture (AP) and herbal medicine, which are derived from much older, holistic disciplines. Utilizing the very best therapies available from different major medical systems optimizes quality of life, and can extend lifespan by months to years.
Recurrent inflammatory skin and ear problems can be painful and debilitating for your pet, and frustrating for the rest of the family. Relief is available to many animals that receive integrative therapy (IT) including herbal medicine, which can resolve or significantly decrease severe itching and pain. This will help stop the constant licking, scratching, head shaking, and over-grooming, and put an end to recurring hot spots, hair loss, ear damage (hematoma) and chronic lick wounds. Many of these animals may also benefit significantly from a change in diet.
Recurrent “hot spots” and infections of the skin, ears, feet and anal glands are often due to underlying allergy (atopy). These may require antibiotics, and possibly anti-histamines or steroids to quickly arrest the acute symptoms. Over the longer term, this can usually be treated using herbal medicine. An appropriate herbal prescription can eliminate or significantly decrease the need for immune suppressant drugs like prednisone and Atopica, which can potentially cause undesirable side effects when used chronically. Dosages of these drugs can be gradually reduced over time. Complete resolution of long standing skin conditions may require 6-12 months.
There is no conventional therapy that can successfully treat skin wounds that persist due to chronic licking. However, acupuncture can often significantly improve these “lick granulomas.” About 20-30% can be completely and permanently resolved.
Animals with immune disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), or with other conditions that require long term anti-inflammatory treatment may develop skin and hair problems from chronic use of prednisone or other immunosuppressants. Adding an appropriate herbal medicine can often decrease the required doses of these drugs and help to restore the natural immune function of the skin. The healthier skin is supported by the anti-inflammatory properties of the herbal medicine, and both factors enhance the effectiveness of any conventional drugs (e.g. antibiotics). This integrated approach can finally stop the recurring infections, mite infestations, hair loss, itching and bleeding.