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The medical articles on this site are for informational purposes only, and are not meant to be used to diagnose or treat your pet, or to replace the recommendations of a qualified veterinarian that has examined your pet.

The vast majority of middle-aged and senior pets treated with acupuncture will feel significantly better with improved energy and stamina.  This includes those that are generally healthy but “slowing down” or “just getting old.” People report that their pets are invigorated, become much more active, enthusiastic and “peppy,” and actually start “acting years younger.” Many pets resume long forgotten behaviors like jumping up on furniture or into the car, climbing the stairs, asking to play, and running around.

Aging pets often suffer from  conditions that are extremely amenable to treatment with herbal medicine or acupuncture. Common examples include arthritis; cancer; kidney disease; decreased appetite and weight loss; incontinence; and cognitive dysfunction (“senior moments”). Please click here for more detailed information on how to turn back the clock and help your pet feel better, stronger, and live longer with Integrative Therapy for Senior Pets.

Care for Senior Pets

Dr. Betsy W. Krueger

Whole Pet Healing